There are things in our lives we pick up and become familiar with to the point if it is normalized and either through it becoming habit or something we no longer notice that we could really do with changing to make our lives better:
Procrastinating, Limiting self belief, negative self talk and or pessimistic outlooks, these things are not only unacceptable, if a stranger told you every day:
- You are worthless!
- You are incapable!
- You will fail!
So why then do you accept them from yourself?
I will tell you one reason we do this, others may have differing experiences, habit, thats right, simple we have developed a habit based on childhood memories and influences of the adults around us and our environment as an easily influenced child and they have stuck with us, remember when that music teacher told you, you are rubbish at piano, your art teacher told you you are not good at art, that command and it remains, no, i hear you say, i am a thinker, there are no spurious programs running, but i am here to tell you, It is normal, we all have them and you can stop them and retrain your mind to either work with them, ignore them and truly become your potential.
- Trying to please everyone!
- Fearing Changes in your life!
- Living in the past!
- Putting yourself down!
- Over-analyzing situations
All of the above will cause heartache, illness and stress in your life that are completely unnecessary and you can be that change
Trying to please everyone
Not everyone in your life deserves your time and efforts, imagine for a moment your life as a small rowing boat on the river of life, floating along with the current with every other person in your life, some of those people do not have their own boat and rely on yours, yes they are extra weight on your efforts, if you are floating downstream easily, this seems easy
and you are happy to accept we are all going in the same direction and not spending much effort to keep these people in your life, however, once you decide to row upstream, you turn the boat into the current and the wind and begin rowing upstream, you will quickly realize these people are actually hard work and really need to get their own rowing boat and set of oars and row for themselves, so how do i fix this:
Hypnosis – how can it help?
when we are given a chance stop the fast moving pace of life and have the opportunity to focus and think about a situation we are given that time to breath and reflect properly, hypnosis will take away the noise of daily life around you and allow time to focus in on issues and problem areas that need 100% attention at the time in order that you can find solutions.
Fearing changes in your life
This is an odd one, there are many millions of times we change our daily lives, it is essential to grow, yet, somehow when we need to change we fight against it, we did not notice all the change we have undertaken to get to where we are now, , what caused that change, when exactly it happened and what the effects are, but, if you are honest with yourself, it is necessary to be fluid, resilient, adaptable and able to move toward change, it is what brought you to this moment now, many changes, so why the issue i hear you ask, well, we feel, when we must make change it is difficult to see unless benefits are thought of in a positive way, this thinking in itself takes effort, but can be done, go on give it a whirl, you can do it
Living in the Past
Living in the now, this moment can be challenging for many and the interesting thing is that not too many people understand that: “The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, or not to anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly”. ~Buddha
here is a small exercise to try out, ask yourself, think of a time when you worried about the outcome of an upcoming situation, for example, exam result, test expectation (medical, work or personal), how long did you worry for, what worries did you have, did the worrying have a negative effect on you and your health, sleep or function, i would presume that worrying did, so ask yourself this
the outcome was the outcome, how did worrying about it actually affect the outcome, probably, it did not in fact it hindered it, in the case of an exam, the stress and anxiety caused by worry probably made your thinking clouded and unclear causing confusion and poor results, in the case of medical, the weeks of worry for tests you had weeks ago, cannot effect the physical results of that test undertaken, only serve to bring your vibration to a low ebb.
focus on now, today, see your daily life as the hand you have been dealt and play that hand to which just like a game of cards you have 2 options, if it is a good hand, play it with confidence knowing you are on to a win, if it is a poor hand, bluff your way to a win, accept it and move forward with it.
Putting yourself down
It is very easy to feel unworthy, not good enough, depending on your upbringing, encouragement received as you tried various tasks as a child and how the outcome of them resulted, you would actively be given affirmations negative or positive, i want to encourage you to do a certain few small things daily to affirm to yourself, you are worthy and should be all you can be, daily affirmation will reprogram neurons which have otherwise lost their way and headed off in wrong directions due to being sent there by previous experiences, these can be changed using hypnosis and self help thereafter – book a session for consultation and see how i can help you seriously oversome issues resulting from this contact
Take action today to question how and why you are allowing history to affect you today
Over-analyzing situations
Not every conversation, situation and occasion you find yourself in is a chess game to be won or lost based on how you play it, you are not alone, often the mind wants to analyze, dissect and reconstruct what is, this habit leads to many anxieties, phobia,s OCD behaviours and general life issues, if you feel this is you, hope is at hand, there is a light at the end of that tunnel, recognize your doing it, make time to change, set limits, follow steps it can be overcome, speak to me and lets organise your new life – click here